October 13

Early start after breakfast at the hotel.

Stopped at 12th century crusader castle called Shobak, which we'd substituted, at Suliman's suggestion, for Kerak. Located high on a hill, the castle/fortress affords views from narrow windows, in all directions. Later, the castle was taken over by the Muslims, as shown by Arabic writing carved into the stone. We have the castle to ourselves. Quiet and peaceful, we can hear goat bells clanking from the hill across the way (something we rarely hear in Chicago).

On the road to the Roman ruins at Jerash, I enter the above in my blog, including the photo, which I've downloaded from the camera to my iPad. We subject Suliman to grandchildren pictures and photos from our entire trip, all of which he seems to enjoy.

Jerash, an incredibly well-preserved Roman city, dates from the first century AD. Gates, streets of columns and temples cover an extensive area, which takes an hour and a half to traverse in the hot sun.

We stop to see a performance of a 3-piece drum and two bagpipes band. Also, stop to see a small, interesting museum (and cool off a bit in the process. Well worth the visit.

We pick up a bag for under $10 to replace the one that was ripped en route to Jordan. Lunch at a very nice Lebanese restaurant. Linger there to work on the blog before setting off for the Amman airport.

Writing this from Amman airport lounge. Will report tomorrow on rest of our travels to Cairo and then on to Aswan later tonight.

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